Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inner Workings

Size: 15x19 inches
Medium: Watercolors
Closeup detail views -here-
Prints and original available -here-

The strange and beautiful tie of the rules of mathematics and physics, to the organic wonder and growth of life and nature.

Some of the in progress shots:


  1. I love the colours and the details...and the idea of mixing cold, hard gear and metal with the organic shape of the tree and nature...I find this very inspirational :)

  2. This is lovely, Stephanie! It's a beautiful illustration of how everything around us, and within is, is a system; finely orchestrated and timed collection of parts and processes honed to perfect each task, whether it be man-made or organic.

  3. Science made stunning! Will it be in a 2012 calendar?

  4. Missed the boat for 2012 calendars. Calendars have to be set to go by July usually.

  5. ...Yep! amazing ...:)

  6. It looks great! I'm curious though: in one progress shot, it looks like you're working with raw pigment. Is there a technique you are using where you start with powdered pigment vs the standard pans/tubed paint?

  7. Beautiful! The smoothness of the colors is amazing.

  8. OMG THAT'S AMAZING. Soooo beautiful.... WOW. <3 Stephanie, you are incredible.

  9. Griffonx - yes I do use some raw pigments from Kremer, but it's not any different technique-wise. You just mix it with gum arabic and water, and it's the same as regular watercolors. I just really like the colors that Kremer has, and they only sell as pigments.
