Monday, May 7, 2012

Flying Thing

Size: 14x4 inches
Medium: Watercolors
Detail views, prints, and original, available -here-

So in my previous painting, Grace, one of my favorite parts was a little corner of the wing. Specifically this:
It's a sort of coral/bone-ish texture I've used often, but I wanted to do something focusing more on that. Which is where this piece started out. It's also a bit more along the Inner Workings theme I wanted to explore more.

Some of the in-progress scans:


  1. This is amazing! I love the colors, and how, in a way, you have a bit of ying/yang thing going on. Wonderful job!

  2. I love how hauntingly beautiful this is! Breathtaking.

  3. Wow, this is a lot more creepy than your usual work. Love it!

  4. A strong Socar Myles influence here...
