Monday, September 14, 2009

71 boxes, 1500 pounds

*pant pant pant*

Well, 71 boxes of books now sitting in my garage. The Art of Shadowscapes Tarot has finally arrived here. Pre-orders: I'll be sending your books out over the next two weeks, in the order that the orders were placed, so please be patient. The books with sketches will probably take at least another week or two before going out.

I've got a lot of sketching ahead of me.



    Can't wait to get my copy and attempt to not drool over it all.

    Sorry the boxen are so heavy but it's going to be good exercise, I hope?


  2. Yay, hoping to order mine on payday this Friday!! With sketch, because that makes it more fun ;)
    I'm patient, and I'm sure your pile will dwindle in no time ;)

  3. Oh yes, lots of exercise...I live at the top of 20 steps on a hillside!

  4. Can't wait! Wincing at the steps and boxes, though. Hope you recover soon.
    Cheers and smiles,

  5. Will they hit the store shelves as well?

  6. Oh, yay! I don't buy many books anymore, but I've been looking forward to this one. :)

  7. Oh Stephanie! My Tarot book just arrived and I am simply speechless! The sketch is simply beautiful. My mother had to look twice to realize it wasn't printed in the book. I'm having so much fun reading the snippets of mythology and inspirational text. I'm also a sucker for seeing the working stages of other artists, which makes all of your early sketches a treat.

    Anyone else reading this, get the sketch option, it is so worth it to have one from this wonderful artist!
